Tabernacle Ministries

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Adult Ministries

  • Bible Study with Rev. Gerald D. Kisner

    Please join us every week for an interesting Bible Study and discussion on Tuesdays at 6pm virtually.

    Please call the Church Office at (561)832-8338 to be added to the distribution list to receive a copy of the zoom link.

    You can download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system for a weekly bible study reminder.


    Contact Person: Call the church office  at (561) 832-8338

  • Adopt a School Ministry

    The purpose of the Adopt a School Ministry is to partner with the U.B. Kinsey/Palmview Elementary in the Historic Northwest Community of West Palm Beach. Members of the congregation will serve as mentors and read to classes. The church further supports the school through feeding the faculty and participating in uniform and school supply drives.

    Contact Persons: Deacon Lavoise Smith Taylor

  • Church School Ministry

    The Church School ministry is committed to demonstrating the power of God by examining and studying the scriptures. The Church School Ministry has the responsibility of being the teaching ministry of the Church. It is the training ground for Christians. The classes are not just focused on children, but relevant for Christians of all ages.

    Contact Person: Sis. Betty Frederick

  • Christian Education Ministry

    The purpose of the Christian Education Ministry is to work with all ministries of the church to provide educational programs that will enhance members in their spiritual growth.

    Contact Person: Deacon Virginia Smith

  • Communications Ministry

    The Communications Ministry is comprised of the Public Relations, Tape and Radio Ministries. The purpose of the Communications Ministry is to maximize the resources of these three media-based ministries to better coordinate the activities for outreach, publicity and the spreading of the gospel to members and the community at large.

    Click Here for More Information on the Communications Ministry.

    Contact Persons: Deacon Edward Moore and Deacon Natalie Green Moore

    Click Below to listen to a sample of our Ministry Broadcast

  • Computer Support Ministry

    The Computer Support Ministry uses the technological advances of the Internet as an outreach ministry. The purpose of the website is to invite, inform, encourage and spread God’s Word through a medium that is accessible to our church leaders, membership and community as a whole, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

    Contact Persons: Deacon Natalie Green Moore. Webmaster is Sis. Ollie Butler

  • Culinary Ministry

    people for fellowship and other church supported activities and occasions. The Culinary Ministry coordinates and organizes food and beverages and may be called upon to support and organize food for other ministry’s events and programs. The Culinary Ministry oversees the operation of the kitchen, including its use, cleanliness and maintenance of the church kitchen and its equipment.

    Click Here for More Information on the Culinary Ministry

    Contact Persons: Sis. Betty Frederick and Deacon Pam Stevens

  • Deacon Ministry

    Deacons are committed to humbly serve our Lord and Savior, Pastor and the congregation. We are the extended arms of the pastor by spiritually supporting and assisting with the needs of our congregation and community. We assist with the worship, baptismal, communion and funeral services. We visit the sick and shut-in members and provide spiritual and practical needs to those who request our help. We are in constant prayer for our pastor, other ministries and members of the church. We are a ministry ordained to servant hood and honored to be among the spiritual leaders of the church.

    Contact: Deacon Sherri Harris

  • Gideon′s Group Ministry

    The Gideon’s Group is a select group working to maintain the security and well being of the church.

    Contact Person: TBD

  • Grief Ministry

    The Grief Ministry consists of counselors who are available to assist the congregation of Tabernacle as well as people in the community who have had grievous occurrences in their lives through group or individual counseling. These occurrences may include illness, death, loss of job, loss of home, relocation, broken marriage, or natural disaster.

    Contact Person: Deacon Barbara Adams

  • Health Ministry

    The mission of the Health Ministry is to promote healthy living, chronic disease prevention, holistic wellness – mind, body, and spirit and to help facilitate the move from physician dependent to patient involved healthcare. The ministry is also a resource to connect health related Providers with those in need of services.

    Contact Person: TBD

  • Men′s Ministry

    The mission of the Tabernacle Men’s Ministry is growing together in Christ by loving,guiding, and protecting our families, supporting our community and serving our congregation.

    Contact Persons: Bro. Paul Dumars and Bro. Juan Burrows

  • Missionary Ministry

    The Missionary Ministry conducts the missionary activities of the church. This ministry sponsors prayer groups, visits sick and shut-in members, works in our out-reach programs, and participates in many other church programs. There are three circles that fall under the auspices of the Missionary Ministry: Circle #1, Emily Thompson Circle, and the Young Matrons.

    Contact Person: Sis. Olivian Brown

  • Month Ministry

    The Month Ministry of Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church is to establish a stronger atmosphere of fellowship, love, spirituality and excitement among members. We work with Month Ministry Presidents and coordinate members of the same month sitting together on a quarterly basis.

    Contact Persons: Sis. Lillian Cunningham, Sis. Glenda Stringer

  • Music Ministry

    The purpose of the Music Ministry is to offer unto the Lord a ministry of praise and worship through the singing and playing of inspirational hymns, spirituals, traditional and contemporary gospel music. The choirs provide music for our worship services and other church programs.

    Contact Person: Bro. Ralph Pittman, Jr., Director of Church Music

  • Nursing Ministry

    The mission of the Nursing Ministry is to serve the Pastor, congregation and community by providing nursing care to those in need. Our goal is to assist the members and community to achieve optimal health and wellness of mind, body and spirit through education, counsel, nursing and referral services.

    Contact Person: Sis. Karen Chambers

  • Outreach Ministry

    The Outreach Ministry serves breakfast every 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Sunday mornings as well as the 4th Saturday morning only. They provide personal and hygiene items, clothing, blankets and also spiritual help.

    Contact Persons: Sis. Jannette Byrd and Sis Loretta Andrews

  • Pulpit Aide Ministry

    This ministry arranges for various amenities in the pulpit.

    Contact Person: TBD

  • Senior Outreach Ministry

    The mission of Tabernacle’s Senior Outreach Ministry is to be available to assist its senior members and the seniors of the Northwest Community in leading a healthy, fulfilling, and productive lifestyle. The Senior Outreach Ministry’s areas of focus are: Telephone Calls and a Senior’s Hotline, Home Visits, Bus Trips – local and long distance, providing Transportation for doctor visits and grocery shopping, Health & Wellness, Home Maintenance Assistance and Small Repairs, Arts and Crafts, Drug Store Discounts, and a Senior’s Recognition Program.

    Contact Person: Sis. Betty Frederick

  • Scholarship Ministry

    The mission of the Scholarship Ministry is to seek out graduating seniors of our church, steer them toward scholarship opportunities, and decide the scholarship amounts that will be given by our church for that year. The determination of an amount to be disbursed will be based on church participation and community activities, as well as GPA.

    Contact Person: Dea. Tommy Dixon

  • Singles Ministry

    This ministry is for singles of all ages. It is a time for singles to get together for fellowship with one another. Various topics will be discussed that will enable the single person to prepare for his or her Christian walk.

    Contact Person: TBD

  • Social Justice MInistry

    The mission of the Social Justice ministry is to address the social justice needs of our community. We have addressed a variety of issues over the years. Another part of our work is with PEACE, which is a congregation based community organization with the mission of effectively fighting injustices in Palm Beach County.

    Contact Person: TBD

  • Usher Ministry

    The Usher Ministry is essentially responsible for greeting everyone that enters the Lord’s house. Ushering is the art of making members and visitors feel comfortable and of lending spiritual dignity to the church service. The Ushers also seat people, distribute bulletins and receive offerings as needed.

    Contact Person: Sis. Annie Ruth Harrison

  • Transportation Ministry

    The Transportation Ministry provides reliable and safe transportation to and from Worship Services, Prayer and Praise Service, Bible Study and other church related activities. Our members volunteer their time and service as Drivers.

    Contact Person: Bro. Greg Ransom

  • Trustee Ministry

    Members are elected by the church to serve as legal custodians for the property of the church. To comply with the law, it is necessary to empower representatives to handle all legal and financial details relating to the property.

    Contact Persons: Sister Gwen Ferguson (Chair), Bro. Tony Young (Co-Chair)

  • Women′s Ministry

    The mission of the Women’s Ministry is to provide a platform for women to come together and share their faith and strengthen their Christian walk; thereby enhancing their ability to serve as God’s ambassadors so we may assist in fulfilling the mission of the church.

    Click Here for More Information on the Women’s Ministry

    Contact Persons: Deacon Cathy McCoy, Deacon Vivian Taylor

  • Young Adult Ministry

    The purpose for the Young Adult Ministry is to provide opportunities for our young adult members to grow spiritually, to connect socially with other young adults, and to connect to the church in a deeper way.

    Contact person: TBD

Youth Ministries

  • Bible Study

    Ages – 5 to 18 years old
    Meeting Days – 3rd Saturdays (Elementary); 4th Saturdays (Middle/High School)
    We discuss relevant topics that are impacting our young people today and explore the word of God as it relates to those issues. Lessons on leadership are also taught during this time as well.

    Contact Person: TBD

  • Cub Scout Pack #116

    Cub Scouts develops leadership skills and teaches duty to God and country, others and yourself. Scouting also develops personal confidence and self worth, and encourages the boys to do their best. The Cub Scouts is made up of a Pack, which is a group of boys in grades 1-5 with their Adult Leaders.

    Contact Person: Bro. Judge Moses Baker

  • TAB Kids Church

    The purpose of the TAB Kids Church is to provide space for our pre-school through elementary-aged youth during the traditional worship service. This will provide an opportunity for the youth to gain spiritual understanding their level.

    Contact Person: TBD

  • Tehillah Praise Dance Ministry

    Ages – 7 to 18 years old
    Meeting Nights – Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
    The objective of the Tehillah Praise Dance group is to minister unto the Lord through the ministry of dance at worship services and other scheduled activities.

    Contact Persons: Deacon Vivian Taylor and Sis. Shundra Johnson

  • Youth Usher Board

    Ages – 4 to 18 years old
    Rehearsals – Saturdays at 1:30 p.m., or when scheduled
    Youth Ushers have the important responsibility of seating members and guests at special events and church service. It is important that young ushers are friendly and courteous as they are usually the first to greet our guests.

    Contact Persons: Sister Denise Williams, Deacon Cathy McCoy

  • Youth Choir

    Ages – 5 to 18 years old
    Meetings – 3rd Saturday at 12:00 noon
    The sacred music for the worship service and other church programs is a focal point

    Contact Person: Sis. Debra Jones

  • Other Youth Activities

    TAB Youth Ministry also offers workshops around issues like HIV/AIDS, School violence, Internet Safety. Career Symposiums are held as young people begin to look at potential careers that they are interested in. We also like to participate in neighborhood cleanups when scheduled and we also go on field trips periodically.
